About us


I’m Regula and during a year abroad in Canada, thanks to friends, I got the taste for traveling with backpack and tent. A few years later, I took my first big bike trip across Canada with them.

Luckily I found with David someone who shares my views of life, work – yes, we both like our jobs 🙂 – and traveling. On our first trekking tour in Scotland we paid for our much too heavy backpacks with painful blisters on our feet. Since then, we have become an experienced team/couple and have learned to limit ourselves to the essentials.


I am David an did my first (solo) bike tour in 2006, when I rode from Modena to Reggio Calabria (Italy) in 2 months after finishing high school. One year later I cycled from Switzerland to Israel.

When not cycling, you can often find us hiking or ski touring in the Alps during the weekend. Or enjoying the evening with wine and cheese… 🙂

After 8 years working as a project manager in the field of robotics, I wanted to realize my life dream with Regula: A trip around the world by bike!!!